2 x 3
992 Persian 1'11"x3'2"
769 Shakarlu Design, Afghanistan, 2'5''x3'
991 Persian 1'11"x3'2"
10 Tibetan, Three Auspicious Symbols, Tibet, 2'x3'
13 Lotus and Amulet, Tibet, 2'x3'
713 Balouch, Persia, 2'7'' x 3'11''
845 Bidjar Perisa 2'5"x2'10"
883 Neman Tribal Afghanistan 2'1"x3'
884 Neman Tribal Afghanistan 2'x2'8"
552 Qashgai Tribal Saddle Bag 2'4"x3'8"
554 Afshar bag persia 1'6" x 2'11"
847 Luri Gabbeh Perisa 2'8"x3'8"
848 Luri Gabbeh Persia 2'5"x3'4"
850 Gabbeh Perisa 2'2x2'11"
849 Luri Gabbeh Persia 2'1"x2'11"
301 Sampler 1'8"x2'6"
919 Arts and Crafts Sample, India, 2' x 3'
920 Arts and Crafts Sample, India, 2' x 2'11"
97 Floor Cushion, S.W. Persia, Balouch Tribe, 2'x2'11''
Eight Auspicious Symbols, Tibet 2'x3'
6 Hereke, Turkey, circa 1950, Silk and Gold thread, 2'10''x4'
7 Hereke, Turkey, 100%Silk and Gold thread, circa 1950, 2'5''x4'
282 Kashkili 2 zollanvari, Persia, 2'7'' x 3'11''
1065, Persian 2'6"x4'